Category Archives: AF Brew

AF Brew Winter Melancholy

– aka AF Brew Зимняя Меланхолия (bottle)
– aka AF Brew Zimnaya Melankholiya (ratebeer)

Brewery: AF Brew
Country: Russia
ABV: 10.3%
Style: Baltic Porter
Other Notes: 30 IBUs. Reflexive Baltic Porter

Brewer Description: (from description on ratebeer) A New Year’s Eve version of warmly recognized Melancholy, our Imperial Baltic Porter. Smooth touch of Kenyan coffee and bourbon vanilla turn the beer from egocentric and depressive to meditative and reflexive as we all become on the first days of the New Year.

My rating: 4
My rating: 3.99
My rating: 3.9

Intro: A 330ml bottle, bottled on 9th July 2019. Poured into a snifter glass.
Appearance: Dark brown to black in colour with a one finger brown head that had decent retention and left nice spotty lacing.
Aroma: Roasty, iron, bourbon, coffee, chocolate, with some light smoky tobacco notes.
Taste: Strong roast, moderately sweet, chocolate, vanilla, coffee, with light alcohol notes, maybe bourbon, and notes of tobacco.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with soft carbonation.
Overall: Nice roasty notes with good chocolate, coffee and vanilla flavours. I would have liked for the body to be fuller, but otherwise, this was enjoyable.

AF Brew It’s Over 9000! Raspberry·Cherry·Lime

Brewery: AF Brew
Country: Russia
ABV: 7%
Style: German Imperial Gose

Brewer Description: (from can) Fruit-iconized Imperial Gose, Raspberry·Cherry·Lime.

My rating: 3
My rating: 3.76
My rating: 3.6

Intro: A 330ml can, canned on 24th September 2019. Poured into a Lost Abbey teku glass.
Appearance: A murky tomato juice like red with a big three finger pinkish head that dissipated quickly and left only sparse to no lacing.
Aroma: Tart, candied raspberry, cherry, rubber, cocktail, with hints of lime and salted lemon.
Taste: Sour, tart, candied fruit, raspberry, cherry and lime, with light salty notes.
Mouthfeel: Light to medium bodied with high spritzy carbonation.
Overall: Tasted better than the aroma implies, which I wasn’t too fond off with rubbery notes mixed with the fruit, but ignore the aroma and it’s worth a try.

AF Brew I Got Mango Worms

Brewery: AF Brew
Country: Russia
ABV: 7%
Style: American Sour IPA

Brewer Description: (from can) Sour fruited New England IPA, mango . peach . passion fruit.

My rating: 3
My rating: 3.55
My rating: 3.5

Intro: A 500ml can, canned on 26th October 2019. Poured into a Lost Abbey teku glass.
Appearance: A very hazy mango juice orange colour with a big three finger orangey head that had good retention while leaving behind some lacing.
Aroma: Juicy, passion fruit, unripe mango, peach, carrot juice.
Taste: Lightly sour, tropical fruity, unripe mango, apricot, peach, lightly peppery.
Mouthfeel: Light to medium bodied with moderate carbonation.
Overall: Very juicy and fruity, but the mango flavours are not that of my favourite Filipino mangoes and felt more like unripe mangoes to me. Still quite nice though.

AF Brew Breeder Reactor

Brewery: AF Brew
Country: Russia
ABV: 6.7%
Style: New England / Hazy IPA
Other Notes: Nuclear powered IPA DDH Idaho 7 x Citra x Simcoe

Brewer Description: (from description on ratebeer) Our first new release of 2018: a nuclear powered NE IPA double dry-hopped with good old Citra and Simcoe, plus a new breed known as Idaho-7. Allegedly, as bright and vivid as the first four 200-watt light bulbs illuminated in 1951 at EBR-I, first Experimental Breeder Reactor located in Idaho desert.

My rating: 3
My rating: 3.7
My rating: 3.6

Intro: A 500ml can, canned on 15th October 2019. Poured into a Lost Abbey teku glass.
Appearance: A very hazy straw yellow colour with a two finger white head that had good retention and left some nice lacing.
Aroma: Citrus pith, orange, mandarin, pine, but also a bit chalky at times.
Taste: Citrusy, lots of pith and rind, juicy, with a touch of pineapple and a lightly bitter finish.
Mouthfeel: Light to medium bodied with moderate carbonation.
Overall: Nice citrusy flavours, but the aroma was not really my thing.

AF Brew Eat The Dust! DDH Citra

Brewery: AF Brew
Country: Russia
ABV: 8%
Style: New England / Hazy Double IPA
Other Notes: Double IPA DDH Citra

Brewer Description: (from description on ratebeer) Eat the Dust! is a new round in our ‘haze craze and juicy race’. It’s a DDH all-Citra, and nothing but 20 g/l of pellets and 3 g/l of lupulin powder literally smuggled into Russia. You can’t get further into the hops after all that.

My rating: 4
My rating: 4.25
My rating: 4.1

Intro: A 500ml can, canned on 14th October 2019. Poured into a Lost Abbey teku glass.
Appearance: A very hazy straw yellow colour with a three finger white head that had great retention and left some nice lacing.
Aroma: Juicy, citrus, orange, lemon zest and pith, with a good smack of tropical pineapple and mango at the end.
Taste: Like the aroma, juicy, citrus, mandarin, orange peel, lemon zest and pith, light bitterness with tropical mango and pineapple on the finish.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with moderate carbonation.
Overall: This was enjoyable, better than Mosaic and Simcoe in my opinion although admittedly this is two or three weeks fresher. Good juicy citrus and tropical fruits in the aroma and taste.