Live Oak HefeWeizen

Brewery: Live Oak Brewing Company
Country: USA
ABV: 5.3%
Style: German Hefeweizen
Other Notes: 10 IBUs. Bavarian-style weissbier

Brewer Description: (from website) Modeled after the classic wheat beers of Bavaria, Hefeweizen is cloudy and straw-coloured with a meringue-like head that lingers to the bottom of the glass. Brewed with an ample volume of wheat malt and few hops, this beer features a unique yeast strain that produces harmonious notes of clove, banana, and vanilla throughout this effervescent brew. A traditional interpretation of a classic style, this idiosyncratic Bavarian beer is perfectly at home here in Texas.

My rating: 4
My rating: 4.33
My rating: 4.2

Intro: A 12 fl oz. can with no canned on or best before date. Poured into a Riedel weizen glass.
Appearance: It poured a hazy straw yellow colour with a three finger white head that dissipated fairly quickly and left almost no lacing.
Aroma: Sweet overripe bananas, clove, banana bread and some light wheat.
Taste: Much like the aromas, there is sweet overripe banana, light clove and peach, pear, banana bread and a hint of wheat.
Mouthfeel: Crisp, mid to light bodied with moderate to high carbonation.
Overall: Wow, this was an amazing Hefeweizen. Probably one of the best in this style.




live oak hefeweizen 4

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